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in Meta by (2.8k points)
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The current Zika outbreak has caught many by surprise, and in response to it, open approaches are more prominent than usual in research.

Since the topic is also frequently in the news, the public has started to ask questions, including on some Q & A sites.

While a growing number of sites offer information overviews on Zika, there is no central place to go to for information around ongoing and planned research related to Zika. Is there a role for Open Science Q & A to play in this context? Would a separate Q & A for Zika research make sense?

by (783 points)
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I see a lot of Tweets using the #ZikaOpen hash tag, but this is not what you asked about: https://twitter.com/hashtag/ZikaOpen
by (2.8k points)
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Yes, the #ZikaOpen hash tag inspired this question.

2 Answers

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by (171 points)

We created a Collection about Zika Virus research here at ScienceOpen: https://www.scienceopen.com/collection/zika_virus

by (2.8k points)
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Thanks. My question was about *ongoing* research - I just clarified that above.
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by (2.8k points)
by (783 points)
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One might argue that a Google group is not really a public mailing list but rather a way for people to give data to Google in return for mailing list services. I am glad that my university still offers Mailman mailing lists for free (and or course, it does not use or sell user or message data).

Ask Open Science used to be called Open Science Q&A but we changed the name when we registered the domain ask-open-science.org. Everything else stays the same: We are still hosted by Bielefeld University.

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