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in Meta by (572 points)
The XML dump provided by StackExchange when the Open Science private beta was closed down unfortunately does not contain enough information to authenticate the imported user accounts. But you can reclaim you account. See the answer below.

1 Answer

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by (572 points)
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Best answer

Easy! Send your user name and e-mail address to the admins of this site via the feedback form. Please also indicate if you would like to join the admin or the moderators team. This is the alpha phase, so it's still easy to get an important position here! wink


Technical note: Luckily for this site, the admins of PhysicsOverflow solved the issue of how to reset or merge accounts already and donated two plugins to facilitate these jobs.

Ask Open Science used to be called Open Science Q&A but we changed the name when we registered the domain ask-open-science.org. Everything else stays the same: We are still hosted by Bielefeld University.

If you participated in the Open Science beta at StackExchange, please reclaim your user account now – it's already here!

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