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in Meta by (783 points)
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1 Answer

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by (783 points)
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Best answer
There was a private beta phase at Stack Exchange that never reached the public phase. After the closure, Stack Exchange made available the contents in an XML dump which we used to start this site.

If you read German, you can find the whole story in an interview Wikimedia Germany did with me.

If you read English, the DFG project Conquaire which sponsors our server has a shorter version.
by (0 points)
0 0
It is "Stack Exchange", not "StackExchange". See section "Proper Use of the Stack Exchange Name" in <http://stackoverflow.com/legal/trademark-guidance> (the last section). Can you fix it?
by (572 points)
0 0
Stack Exchange spelling corrected.

Ask Open Science used to be called Open Science Q&A but we changed the name when we registered the domain ask-open-science.org. Everything else stays the same: We are still hosted by Bielefeld University.

If you participated in the Open Science beta at StackExchange, please reclaim your user account now – it's already here!

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