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in Meta by (460 points)
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Being a moderator at Open Source, there looks like there may be a lot of overlap between both communities. While I have a lot of understanding in where there is (and possibly will be) overlap, I would like the community to discuss this amongst themselves as well, as it will assist in determining specific site scope.

So Open Science! Where do you overlap with Open Source?

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closed with the note: No longer relevant
by (1.2k points)
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Great question! There is now a triad of Open Science, Open Data, and Open Source. They're clearly all related, but there's something unique about each. I'm guessing Open Source is first and foremost about software; Open Data is mostly about data regardless of what it is used for (apps, science, journalism, teaching, etc.); Open Science seems to encompass some of Open Data and the use of open source software for analysis, but is also about publishing, workflows, research ethics, etc. I'm looking forward to seeing peoples' opinions.

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by (460 points)
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@Thomas Thanks! I'm looking to see what people say as well. However, it looks like Open Data is more for data requests, not necessarily management or anything.

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by (690 points)
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The site currently has not much activity to answer that.

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by (690 points)
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possible duplicate of [Overlapping with OpenData.SE](http://meta.openscience.stackexchange.com/questions/3/overlapping-with-opendata-se)

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by (460 points)
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@kenorb How would any of this be a duplicate? Are you saying that this site doesn't have enough activity to answer a meta question? If that is what you are suggesting, then there ***is a major issue*** with this beta

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by (690 points)
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It's duplicate, because the answer would be exactly the same. It's difficult to say where it overlap having 50 questions and these sites are completely different.

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by (460 points)
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@kenorb I wonder if you have really read the answers and questions... This one asks what overlap there is, and the other is for some reason concerned with migrations. I see two completely different questions here.

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
by (690 points)
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I'm more worried that this site would be closed soon, rather than checking which question is overlapped with which site, if so - this won't be any problem soon anymore.

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
by (460 points)
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You've mentioned it above. The future is looking... icky

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