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in Open Science by (60 points)

What methods of publication are available for open science?

There is the Royal Society Open Science journal. What other open science journals do exist and are there other ways suitable to publish the results of an open science research project?

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by (415 points)
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This sounds opinion-based.

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by (140 points)
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Well, I learned about a new journal, which seems quite nice in features. I read the other RS js, but never heard of this one :) BTW, it doesn't sound too opinion based to me, if OP includes some more criteria, e.g., without publishing fee, or asks about a particular content area...

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by (215 points)
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Not so much opinion-based as a bit of a list question, TBH - we don't need a list of journals that support open science (especially as that might be "all of them". However, it might be possible to reword the question to focus on journals vs other means of publication / dissemination.

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by (415 points)
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@SimonW Ah, my comment referred to the version before a subsequent edit.

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in a word, _arXiv!_

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1 Answer

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by (140 points)

Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Electronic Journal of Physics, some more obscure ones like Forma, are free to access at once... There are very many open access journals in the maths. Most do not implement commenting however unlike your example (which is quite recent). PNAS (quickly publishes) and Complex Systems are two journals semiopen. After a year or quarter year the content becomes available to everyone free. Please clarify what you mean, because there are a very large number of quality open access, if not entirely open (with commenting journals), as I'm sure you know. I can include some less well known ones that are high quality if that is the question?

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