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in Open Science by (1.2k points)

In computer software, semantic versioning (or something like it) is something of a standard for how to version software releases. The Major.Minor.Patch semantics make clear how big of a change has occurred between the present and an earlier release. Is there something similar for versionining a dataset? Unlike with software, any change to a dataset might be a "major" change, so I'm not sure that the logic translates directly. Is there any commonly used specification for versioning a dataset?

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by (470 points)
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I wonder if the dat folks have thought about this http://dat-data.com/ max ogden & co. - I don't know, but i imagine they'd have some insight here.

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2 Answers

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by (725 points)

Dataverse uses the following dataset versioning strategy:

enter image description here

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by (185 points)

The Digital Curation Centre guide on how to cite datasets and link to publications gives a good summary to the various approaches to dataset versioning from the viewpoint of repository managers, and links to further information.

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by (515 points)
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