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in Open Science by (1.2k points)

Does engaging in open science practices (e.g., reproducibility, data sharing, study preregistration, open access publication) affect tenure and promotion decisions for academic scientists? One can imagine that these would be viewed favorability and scientists would be rewarded for being open. At the same time, however, open science seems to be a movement driven by younger scientists and openness may have no bearing on promotions or even be seen as a distraction from the core production of research. Is there any evidence of the effect of open science on individual career success?

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1 Answer

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by (379 points)
I guess this depends strongly on the institution or even the group that is hiring, right?

The Psychology department at LMU Munich for example has a clear hiring policy that recognizes Open Science  practices (http://www.fak11.lmu.de/dep_psychologie/osc/open-science-hiring-policy/index.html). I think that this will become more and more, but as of today I think it is quite unusual.

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