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in Meta by (415 points)

During the Definition phase, there were 52 example questions, at least 35 of which had a net score of 10 or more. They were (and still are) excellent questions, and I see that some have been asked.

I suggest that we start asking more of them; it would be preferable if the original asker posted the question, too. This will help us raise activity levels and continue a successful Private Beta.

I'm not saying we should rely on them - we shouldn't, because they'll run out - nor should we ask them all at once, but I'm saying that we should start asking them.

Should we do this?

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
by (174 points)
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Simply: yes. The private should be seeded with plenty of high-quality questions, which the examples have a high potential to be.

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)

3 Answers

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by (220 points)
Best answer

If you have the question, you should certainly ask it. But as a note of caution, you should be a bit wary of dumping a bunch of questions into this site simply to fill it with more content.

Asking more questions isn't generally a concern if you actually have these problem and you can fill in the details… but if there's a sense that questions aren't genuine and the author doesn't really care about the answers, the site can start to look somewhat forced, and eventually folks start to wonder if it's a productive use of their hard-earned experience and effort.

This is just a cautionary note I raise when someone starts to think in terms of "seeding the site with questions." I talk about this more in

Your New Site: Asking the First Questions

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by (240 points)

Yes (If the question is not already asked)

If you want to know something ask the question, if it was already posted in the definition phase and you still want to know there is no reason not to ask it.

If you already know the answer to the question that you already know the answer is encouraged in Stack Exchange.

Reference from Stack Exchange help

Can I answer my own question?

Yes! Stack Exchange has always explicitly encouraged users to answer their own questions. If you have a question that you already know the answer to, and you would like to document that knowledge in public so that others (including yourself) can find it later, it's perfectly okay to ask and answer your own question on a Stack Exchange site.

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
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by (690 points)

I think we should ask more questions, but not 'example questions' (dummy once).

The initial questions during proposal stage were only to define the brief scope of the site in order to achieve the stage that we're currently in (private beta), but they shouldn't be treated as good examples.

Due to lack of activity I believe the site really needs more real questions to get into the next stage, but they should be asked in your own words and related to some everyday issues/questions (not artificial one). Otherwise this site will follow Embedded site fate which is closing this week (despite having twice as much questions than here [>100]).

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