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in Meta by (1.2k points)

I think we can reasonably anticipate a few sites that would be appropriate places to migrate questions:

But are there others that should be programmed into the dialog?

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by (415 points)
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[The overall SE feeling is against them.](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/261196/when-should-we-consider-adding-a-default-migration-path)

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by (1.2k points)
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@HDE226868 Interesting. I'm active on SO and do a ton of migration voting, so that surprises me a bit.

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1 Answer

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by (220 points)

See When should we consider adding a default migration path?

Almost never.

These paths have a place when two conditions exist:

  1. There is a clearly-defined topic that is wholly inappropriate on one site and wholly appropriate on another.
  2. That topic is asked about daily on the former site.

This is pretty rare. Especially if the first site isn't Stack Overflow.

Migration paths are added when need arises. It is not something we actively seek out, especially when a site is just getting started.

Migrations were originally designed as a way to preserve content — entire threads, as an alternative to deletion. If a user were simply to ask a question on the wrong site, it is much cleaner for the author to simply repost their question on the other site… instead of migrating, which would only orphan any comments/votes/notifications/ownership for those who don't have an account on the other site.

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