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in Meta by (515 points)

When asking a question, users on the main site see this.

enter image description here

Where did this placeholder text come from? Did StackExchange pull some value from the Area51 description of the site and drop it in place? Do we have access to any moderation tools that would allow us to edit this text? I would suggest that the text What's your open science question? Be specific. would be a more appropriate placeholder.

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by (1.2k points)
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Relatedly, the close vote dialog also refers to questions being off-topic for the `"open science" movement`.

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
by (220 points)
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It should be a simple fix. I'm going to chase someone down to have a look at the site configuration.

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)

1 Answer

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by (220 points)
Best answer


The setting that fills in that statement is used in various places around the site. It worked in most of those instances, but not for the title prompt. Simplifying the setting fixed that.

enter image description here

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
by (2.8k points)
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Can you fix that for the open science meta as well?

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
by (220 points)
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@DanielMietchen Where are you seeing a problem?

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
by (415 points)
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@DanielMietchen I don't see any problem there.

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
by (2.8k points)
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I had initially thought we could add some mention of the open science community or some such, but upon further thought, the current settings are good enough. Thanks for checking.

This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)
by (174 points)
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Could you do the sane for us on Open Source? There's a similar meta post there.
by (220 points)
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@ArtOfCode There are currently discussions about modifying the site name/description (not sure which), so it's best to wait for that to be resolved before we start fiddling with the site config.

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