Following a request from the US Congress, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are currently working on a 5 year Strategic Plan and inviting public feedback by August 16. This process is somewhat separate from strategic plans being developed in the individual Institutes and Centers that make up the NIH.
Not sure what the plan will mean in practice, but supposing it is useful and the process behind it indeed open for public input, I'd like to use this thread to entertain some thoughts as to what to submit in order to raise awareness of open science amongst those who are involved with that plan or similar strategic plans developed elsewhere.
Along with some metadata, the form asks for the following information (each with a maximum of 300 words):
- Potential benefits, drawbacks/challenges, and areas of consideration for the current framework
- Compatibility of the framework with the broad scope of the NIH mission
- Additional concepts in ICO strategic plans that are cross-cutting and should be included in this trans-NIH strategic plan
- Comprehensive trans-NIH research themes that have not been captured in the Areas of Opportunity that Apply Across Biomedicine
- Components of the Areas of Opportunity that Apply Across Biomedicine that are not applicable to an NIH-wide Strategic Plan
- Future opportunities or emerging research needs
Attachments are permitted in "PDF, DOC, DOCX" formats.
This post has been migrated from the Open Science private beta at StackExchange (A51.SE)