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in Open Science by (20 points)

A research grant proposal is the starting point of the research pipeline. It may be accepted, rejected or in a waiting list for further detailed review. Journals like RIOJournal give an opportunity to upload the grant proposals. Nevertheless, very less has been discussed on the pros and cons of uploading them.

Major questions that need to be discussed:

  • Should all accepted proposals be published online and granted a persistent identifier?
  • In case of rejected grant proposals, how wise is it to upload them? Will it create a bias for future grant requests?
  • Should proposal grant reviews be made publicly available?
  • What are the possible open licences for grant proposals and the review comments?
  • Any possible issues on uploading accepted grant proposals? Who should upload them? Funding agencies? or individual contributors?
  • Should contributors to the proposal upload a grant proposal like preprint papers at the time of submission? Is it possible that funding agency directly refer the 'preprint' like grant request?


1 Answer

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by (264 points)

I agree that grant proposals should be published. However, as with all other scientific results, researchers should decide if they want to publish or not. Also, sensitive data like financial calculations, may be removed before publication.

For example, we published:

Cimiano P, McCrae J, Jahn N, et al. CONQUAIRE: Continuous quality control for research data to ensure reproducibility: an institutional approach.; 2015. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.31298

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