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in Open Science by (2.8k points)
Open science brings together a range of concepts that are powerful enough on their own to have found their way into movies or other works of art, e.g. sharing, collaboration, transparency, reproducibility, accountability, reuse, research ethics or collective learning.

In this ticket, I'd like us to collect examples where several such open science-relevant concepts are combined in a way that is applicable to open science discussions and suitable for education around open science.
by (2.8k points)
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Two pointers from Twitter:
- Jon Tennant: "Have y’all seen Concussion? Basically Will Smith fighting against ‘big football’, publishing underpowered studies, and the reproducibility crisis. Also some stuff on authorship issues and bias against African researchers. It’s brilliant." https://twitter.com/Protohedgehog/status/987294657024413696
- Jon Grahe "I’m halfway through writing an album of songs that are all about #openScience. Rough demos are uploaded to https://osf.io/y2hjc/ " https://twitter.com/JonGrahe/status/987688946342748160
by (1 point)
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Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson has a small but significant shout out to open science in the plot.
A podcast that does not have an explicit mention of open science, but does touch on p-hacking, file drawers, publication bias, and limits of our knowledge about nutrition is Revisionist History's the Basement Tapes http://revisionisthistory.com/episodes/20-the-basement-tapes
by (69 points)
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The various books and films about Aaron Swartz and Edward Snowden may help or not.

2 Answers

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by (40 points)

Daniel Suarez's Daemon and Freedom showed case how could be a world where sharing, collaboration and transparency would be the norm. On Influx, also by Daniel Suarez, we have the opposite scenario where a small group developed very advanced technology but kept it into a vault for financial benefit.

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by (264 points)
In the novel "Cantor's Dilemma" by Carl Djerassi, a molecular biologist struggles with ethical issues about suspected forgery of research data. While the science described in Djerassi's novel is not "open" it illustrates the pitfalls of closed science and thereby implicitly shows the advantages of Open Science.

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